Would you like to make ridiculous amounts of money?
What is Relationship Marketing? Relationship Marketing is a strategy that works to create customer and consumer loyalty, engagement and, most importantly, a relationship. When you master relationship marketing, you learn about mastering the connections between Self, Others, and Business. The three are interconnected; as you master your relationship with yourself, you are able to master your relationships with others. You will discover that these enable you to master relationships that will grow your business.
There are so many stories of the importance of relationships for our distributors.
Sylvia Schneider explains, “I love how since joining SendOutCards and meeting such amazing people at all the events, I am becoming a much better person than I ever was before … and ‘finding’ the real me!” She goes on to say, “It feels so great to be surrounded by so many people who are doing the same thing I am, encouraging and inspiring each other.”
Tara Rising shares about the opportunity to teach Relationship Marketing at Colorado State University because of a conversation on an airplane. Her Marketing Director sat next to a professor at CSU on a flight to Vegas. When he found out what she does for a living, he invited her to teach Relationship Marketing to four of his classes with 70 students each. Her MD invited Tara and other distributors on her team to help. What a great opportunity to build relationships.
Dana Peever has a story about how a trip to mark an item off her bucket list led to connections with an agent who has numerous connections himself, including Elton John’s lyricist. Dana had wanted to visit Dana Point since she was 12 years old. A couple of years ago, the city hosted an Elephant Parade with four foot tall elephants painted by artists from around the world. Dana, who loves elephants, wanted to find those paintings but couldn’t. Then a friend directed her to one of the galleries. It was there that Dana met another Dana. This man was the Ambassador for the Elephant Parade and also happened to be Bernie Taupin’s agent (Bernie is the lyricist mentioned above). Not only did our Dana brownie her new acquaintance, but she also brownied the gallery owner. Building those connections into relationships is imperative for personal and professional success.
As Kody B. explains, the importance of mastering Relationship Marketing is that then you can make ridiculous amounts of money, and “We should make ridiculous amounts of money.” Why? Because then you can make a difference in the world – and SendOutCards is all about making a difference.
Much Success! Have an outstanding day!!
The post Would you like to Master Relationship Marketing? appeared first on Blooming Fortune.